Richard Bergmair's Blog


==> Some of my U.S. friends are asking me to explain this “link tax” thing.

This is basically the doing of the press publishers (think Axel Springer) of Europe. They put a lot of headlines into the journalistic ether, which people discover through Google. When a user fails to click on a given headline, Google still has monetization through advertising on the SERP, while the press publisher doesn’t have any monetization at all. This made the press publishers cry, “no fair!” and refer the matter to the teacher, now considering a copyright change. The new copyright would have Google share this revenue with (pay a “link tax” to) press publishers.

We’ve seen this play out at the national level before. When Spain introduced something like this, Google retaliated by taking Spanish press publishers’ content out of the index and not paying a penny. Advertising clients of those press publishers were less than pleased. A deal was quickly reached wherein press publishers agreed with Google that Google didn’t have to pay a penny. The perverse outcome was that the law still applies to content aggregators who aren’t Google, which is massively anti-competitive. Germany later did something similar, and it never amounted to anything but dead law.

#politik   |   Jul-03 2018
