Richard Bergmair's Projects

Valid Demand Analysis in Tourism

Contract type: science & technology transfer project
Client: FFG, Austrian Research Promotion Agency (as funding agency)
Role: Member of the Steering Committee
Time period: Jul 2013 – Mar 2016
Volume: 520hrs on our side / EUR 500k total

NoSQL • mongodb • Linux • Python • numpy • scipy • matplotlib • ipython • scikit-learn

The insightTourism project was a publicly funded project conducting valid demand analysis in the tourism sector, using scientific models. My primary role in the project consortium was to provide expertise within the areas of natural language processing and data science.

Specifically, my role was the programmatic interaction of the scientific model with Twitter, including recognition of mentions of geographical entities, as well as preprocessing of geographically relevant metadata. Most importantly, I also developed a tool to tag the relevance of tweets to tourism, and a model to automate the recognition of tweets as being relevant or irrelevant to tourism, based on natural language processing.

As a member of the steering committee, I had a role to play in setting the direction for this half-a-million euro project involving partners from both the private and public sectors, as well as academic institutions.

==> insightTourism

==> archived version of this project description