Richard Bergmair's Publications

Bergmair, Richard. 2010. Monte Carlo Semantics: Robust Inference and Logical Pattern Processing with Natural Language Text.” Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge.

Bergmair, Richard. 2009. A Proposal on Evaluation Measures for RTE.” In Proceedings of the 2009 Workshop on Applied Textual Inference (TextInfer), 10–17. Suntec, Singapore: Association for Computational Linguistics.

Bergmair, Richard. 2008. McPIET at RTE-4: Robust Inference and Logical Pattern Processing Based on Integrated Deep and Shallow Semantics.” In Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference (TAC ’08). NIST, Gaithersburg, MD.

Bergmair, Richard. 2007b. Some Notes on the Economics and Evaluation of Automatic Retrieval and Filtering of Communication Goods.” Invited address, SCCH, Hagenberg, Austria, September.

Bergmair, Richard. 2007a. A Comprehensive Bibliography of Linguistic Steganography.” In Proceedings of the SPIE International Conference on Security, Steganography, and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents IX, edited by Edward J. Delp and Ping Wah Wong. Vol. 6505. San Jose, CA: SPIE International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Bergmair, Richard. 2006. Closed Domain Question Answering Using Fuzzy Semantics.” M.Phil. thesis, Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge.

Bergmair, Richard, and Ulrich Bodenhofer. 2006. Syntax-Driven Analysis of Context-Free Languages with Respect to Fuzzy Relational Semantics.” In Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2075–82. Vancouver, BC: IEEE.

Bergmair, Richard, and Stefan Katzenbeisser. 2005. Content-Aware Steganography: About Lazy Prisoners and Narrow-Minded Wardens.” In Proceedings of the 8th Information Hiding Conference, edited by Jan L. Camenisch, Christian S. Collberg, Neil F. Johnson, and Phil Sallee, 4437:109–23. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Bergmair, Richard, and Stefan Katzenbeisser. 2004. Towards Human Interactive Proofs in the Text-Domain.” In Proceedings of the 7th Information Security Conference, edited by Kan Zhang and Yuliang Zheng, 3225:257–67. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

==> We outline the linguistic problem of word-sense ambiguity and demonstrate its relevance to current computer security applications in the context of Human Interactive Proofs (HIPs). Such proofs enable a machine to automatically determine whether it is interacting with another machine or a human. HIPs were recently proposed to fight abuse of web services, denial-of-service attacks and spam. We describe the construction of an HIP that relies solely on natural language and draws its security from the problem of word-sense ambiguity, i.e., the linguistic phenomenon that a word can have different meanings dependent on the context it is used in. <==

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Bergmair, Richard. 2004c. Some Experimental Results on Feed-Forward Networks for Text Classification.”

Bergmair, Richard. 2004b. Towards Linguistic Steganography: A Systematic Investigation of Approaches, Systems, and Issues.” B.Sc. thesis, Leonding, Austria: University of Derby.

Bergmair, Richard. 2004a. Ethical Lessons Learned from Computer Science.” ACM Crossroads 10 (3): 6.

Bergmair, Richard. 2003. A Summary of Traditional Approaches to Natural Language Processing.” Diplom-HTL-Ingenieur thesis, Leonding, Austria: Höhere Technische Bundeslehranstalt Leonding.